GSA Schedule 70
Contract number: GS-35F-218GA Period of performance: Feb 7, 2022 through Feb 6, 2027 DUNS: 122847085 | CAGE code: 5SWY5 GSA Schedule Overview Under the GSA Schedules Program, GSA establishes long-term government-wide contracts with commercial firms to provide access to over 10 million commercial supplies and services that can be ordered directly from GSA Schedule contractors
Maryland CATS+ Master Contract
Contract number: 060B2490023-2016 Period of performance: through April 21, 2028 DUNS: 122847085 | CAGE code: 5SWY5 Maryland Consulting and Technical Services (CATS)+ Overview In January of 2017, TRGroup was awarded the Maryland Consulting and Technical Services (CATS +) Master Contract. Through the CATS+ program, TRG is able to provide the state with flexible a means